Saturday 12 May 2007


I have always had a special fondness for primulas, especially the oldfashioned ones which used to grow in my grandmother's garden. I have always wanted a collection of different primulas in my garden, but somehow I have never managed to have this dream come true.
Now I have four different ones blooming. May be I can start calling it a collection?

1 comment:

David (Snappy) said...

I have two types of Orchids growing now in the flat.I dont know if two is a collection.Four is the start of one though.I guess when you buy over a half dozen it is a collection.
I love the Primula, it is a lovely colour.Here the council used to plant horrible fluorescent ones, but now have moved back to natural colours.Will you show the other three blooming too?
I hope your rose Rugosa blooms for you.I need to wait for a garden before i can buy a rose.I love David Austin roses, the book they send out is awesome!Have a good weekend Britt-Arnhild!