I want my garden to be a sanctuary. I want my garden to be a sacred place for all creation........though I hesitated when I came over this snail today, feasting on one of my crocuses.I left it to finish the meal. It would have been rude not to, wouldn't it.......
Maybe you can encourage hedgehogs to come for supper?
Re a name for your sanctuary, I wondered if I have the correct word...saeters is the Norwegian name for fresh pastures, is it not? Well, perhaps you could call your new garden that?...you know, fresh pastures. He makes me to lie down in green pastures....
Indeed it would, I've loved snails since I was a child but slugs I was never to keen on. Until that is the day I came across a beautifully marked leopard slug about 4ins long feeding on one of my Hosta's. Now I love Hosta's but that creature, suddenly it wasn't a horrid slimy thing, but a real beauty so I let it be. As a footnote to that tale I no longer have any Hosta's.
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