The rain has been pouring down most of the day, with glimpses of sun in between. But there are always work to do in the garden. Last week-end a friend gave me an offshoot of a pink geranium. I have kept it in a glass of water since then to help the roots to start. But today I planted it in a small pot filled with soil.
I also cutted three fucsias and planted them close in another pot. I hope to braid the three plants together when they grow to make a thicker stem.
Now the two pots stands in the kitchen window sill enjoying the light they can get.
I live in Trondheim, Norway with my husband and two daughters. Two boys have moved out to create their own homes. I work full time, and have alot of interests, but there is hardly a day when you don't find me in the kitchen, playing with old and new recipes. And if I am not to be find it the kitchen, take a look in The Blue Garden. I am a member of the Slow Food movement and a supporter of the Slower Life. You can contact me at:
ALL Photos and Text are personal property of BRITT ARNHILD WIGUM LINDLAND. All rights reserved. Content of this site MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED, in any manner without written permission.
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