Saturday, 21 April 2007

The Blue Garden's blog is officially open!



Anonymous said...

Hi, Britt-Arnhild! WOW--another blog...You are truly amazing! I have one blog, and I have enough just keeping up with the one--LOL! Now you have three...Your capacity for sharing is a blessing to us all. So much look forward to walking in your garden here! Happy Days! :o)

Annie Jeffries said...

Oh yeah!! Another Britt Blog to visit. Can't wait for more.

Anonymous said...

You know that I love anything blue - so I will be popping into your blue garden on a regular basis!
I am astonished by your energy to write these blogs. Hope you are feeling better now!

Cris said...

Woo hoo!!! You rock Britt! Can't wait to see your photos. Love,

Mountain Mama said...

A blue Garden Blog sounds fun to me. I'm another who loves the color blue and blue flowers are so beautiful.
I'll be back

Britt-Arnhild said...

The Blue Garden - blog is just a few hours old. I am overwhelmed by your words.

Tracy - I look forward to share....

Annie - be sure to come back....

Roz, thanks, yes, I am feeling better. We share a love for blue, don't we :-)

Cris. see you.....

Mountain Mama, I am sorry that you had problems commenting here. I don't know why. I am glad you didn't give up!

Anonymous said...

I look forward to taking a stroll through your garden too, Britt Arnhild. Love blue flowers too.